Sunday, August 8, 2010

"That's my Granny"

What a great honor to hear one of my grandchildren say "that's my Granny." How that makes me swell up with pride, and thankfullness to God that maybe, just maybe, I am doing something right. Their unconditional love makes you smile and your heart melt. How precious are these miracles.

Grandchildren cry out, "Do you care?" If we care, they can be inspired and brought to a higher level when they are around us. We are called to step out from the ordinary path of life to impact these grandchildren God has brought into our presence. As grandparents, we have a wonderful opportunity to "walk our talk." These beautiful youngsters watch every step we take and every word we utter. They are looking to see if Granny and Papa are real. Can we be trusted.

James 1:22 says, "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." James is telling us that we need not only to listen to the Word, but we must be willing to do what His Word is telling us. Be challeged today to not only be a hearer but a doer.

Gracious Father, may my life reflect the teaching of Your Word. May I truly be a doer of Your commands and principles. Let my life show to my grandchildren that I really care. Amen

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