Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Hobby

I think one of my new hobbies is "blog searching". I love looking at the blog sites of Christian women, old, young, married, single, with children, empty nesters, you get the idea. It is so inspiring to read about these godly women, their lives and what they are doing to forward the cause of Christ. The many types of ministries they have, and sometimes their ministry is their blog, books they are writing, places they are speaking, and how they are ministering to their own families. And that seems to be the common thread, the ministry of their homes and family. How refreshing!

In the turmoil of today, take a stroll through "blogville" and get inspired at the work Christian women are doing everyday.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

"That's my Granny"

What a great honor to hear one of my grandchildren say "that's my Granny." How that makes me swell up with pride, and thankfullness to God that maybe, just maybe, I am doing something right. Their unconditional love makes you smile and your heart melt. How precious are these miracles.

Grandchildren cry out, "Do you care?" If we care, they can be inspired and brought to a higher level when they are around us. We are called to step out from the ordinary path of life to impact these grandchildren God has brought into our presence. As grandparents, we have a wonderful opportunity to "walk our talk." These beautiful youngsters watch every step we take and every word we utter. They are looking to see if Granny and Papa are real. Can we be trusted.

James 1:22 says, "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." James is telling us that we need not only to listen to the Word, but we must be willing to do what His Word is telling us. Be challeged today to not only be a hearer but a doer.

Gracious Father, may my life reflect the teaching of Your Word. May I truly be a doer of Your commands and principles. Let my life show to my grandchildren that I really care. Amen

Saturday, August 7, 2010

32 Years of Wedded Bliss!!

August 5 my husband and I celebrated out 32nd wedding anniversary. Wow, I do not know where the years have gone. We spent some time reminising over memories of our wedding day, the first few years, children, the loss and gain of those in our lives, where we have been and where we are headed. The realization of "retirement" looming in our future is a bit scary, especially with the uncertainity of the economy. But, all in all we agreed that we have had a blessed and fulfilling life together, and are looking forward to another 30 plus years.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grand Teaching

As Grandparents we become "grand teachers." Just because we aren't the parents doesn't mean we don't still have the responsibility to continue teaching when we are with our grandchildren. In the old days, spiritual teaching would take place daily through the study of God's Word, the reputation of the Law, and the examples the parents and grandparents exhibited in their lives. The instruction was more than just the reading a memorization of the law - it included the demonstration of a godly lifestyle woven into everyday living.

Today we need to be creative in the ways we teach. We should be alert to life and the events that are happening around us. Use the news to point our examples of good and evil. Special events such as birthdays, weddings, funerals, and new births are perfect times to teach about God's love and laws. Walking on the beach, looking at the stars, baking cookies together, or helping in the garden can be treasured moments to teach God's truths.

As grandparents, we are always teaching - which is different than lecturing. Remain open to questions. Watch your nonverbal language when shocking comments come forth. Pray for wisdom, guidance, and patience before and during those special times with your grandchildren.

You shall teach them diligently to your children

(and grandchildren), and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

Deuteronomy 6:7

In God's Love,


Friday, July 16, 2010

Precious Gift of A Child

What a "grand" week this has been. We have welcomed into our family a new member. Jasper came into our lives on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:32 pm, and if I must say so he is one handsome little man. I have immediatley fallen in love with another grand baby. How can someone so little have such an impact on my heart?

And with his arrival, my 3 other precious grandchildren came for a visit. What a joy! We have made memories of holding our new baby, having water hose fights, going on pajama runs, and sliding down mattresses. My summer has been complete with so many wonderful memories to cherish. I look forward to making more memories with those rare and beautiful treasures - my grandchildren.

By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding is is established;
through knowledge its room are
filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
Proverbs 24: 3 - 4
In God's love,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


On August 26, 2003 I entered the "Grand" season of my life when my very first grandchild was born. As I entered this season I looked back at the last few decades and wondered, "What if?" Much of what happened in the previous three seasons - spring, summer, and fall- determines what life will be like in the grand season. It is the principle of sowing and reaping - as a farmers daughter and farmers wife I know this concept all too well. In the springtime of life we plant our seeds. Love, weddings, new jobs, children, new home and all of the excitment this season of hope offers. The spring season is crucial because what happens during this season will surely affect the outcome of the remaining seasons.
I would like to think my "Grand" season is somewhere between fall and winter. At last reaping the harvest of our efforts during the spring and summer season. This is our pay period of life. In Proverbs 24:3-4, we are promised that our rooms will be filled with rare and beautiful riches. These rare and beautiful riches are our children, grandchildren, friends, good health, emotional stability, and above all our love for the Lord - just the things we hoped for when we were in the springtime of life.
Join me on this journey of a "Grand" season,
In God's love