Wednesday, July 7, 2010


On August 26, 2003 I entered the "Grand" season of my life when my very first grandchild was born. As I entered this season I looked back at the last few decades and wondered, "What if?" Much of what happened in the previous three seasons - spring, summer, and fall- determines what life will be like in the grand season. It is the principle of sowing and reaping - as a farmers daughter and farmers wife I know this concept all too well. In the springtime of life we plant our seeds. Love, weddings, new jobs, children, new home and all of the excitment this season of hope offers. The spring season is crucial because what happens during this season will surely affect the outcome of the remaining seasons.
I would like to think my "Grand" season is somewhere between fall and winter. At last reaping the harvest of our efforts during the spring and summer season. This is our pay period of life. In Proverbs 24:3-4, we are promised that our rooms will be filled with rare and beautiful riches. These rare and beautiful riches are our children, grandchildren, friends, good health, emotional stability, and above all our love for the Lord - just the things we hoped for when we were in the springtime of life.
Join me on this journey of a "Grand" season,
In God's love

1 comment:

  1. Love it and can't wait to read more! Welcome to the world of blogging:-)
