Friday, July 16, 2010

Precious Gift of A Child

What a "grand" week this has been. We have welcomed into our family a new member. Jasper came into our lives on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:32 pm, and if I must say so he is one handsome little man. I have immediatley fallen in love with another grand baby. How can someone so little have such an impact on my heart?

And with his arrival, my 3 other precious grandchildren came for a visit. What a joy! We have made memories of holding our new baby, having water hose fights, going on pajama runs, and sliding down mattresses. My summer has been complete with so many wonderful memories to cherish. I look forward to making more memories with those rare and beautiful treasures - my grandchildren.

By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding is is established;
through knowledge its room are
filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
Proverbs 24: 3 - 4
In God's love,

1 comment:

  1. I love you and am so excited that you have a "grand" baby you can love on any day of the week.....I will admit I am a little jealous! LOL! We are so excited for our new baby boy and his Momma and Daddy.
    Love you Momma,
